Making a self hosted link summariser using LLMs
If you use Reddit or Lemmy you are likely to be familiar with those bots which summarise news links and comment the result. I decided to make one of these which uses an LLM to do the summarisation
Step 1: Get the website’s text
For this you want to get the page’s HTML, and remove anything that won’t help the bot such as javascript, CSS, images or videos. You’ll also want to get rid of excessive spaces or newlines as they’ll take up tokens that could be used for more words
func standardizeSpaces(s string) string {
return strings.Join(strings.Fields(s), " ")
func scrapeSite(url string) (string, error) {
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
slog.Error("Failed to get site", "site", url, "error", err)
return "", err
defer resp.Body.Close()
doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
slog.Error("Failed to get site body", "site", url, "error", err)
return "", err
doc.Find("img").Each(func(i int, el *goquery.Selection) {
// We don't care about images, we only want the text on the site
doc.Find("picture").Each(func(i int, el *goquery.Selection) {
// We don't care about scripts, we only want the text on the site
doc.Find("script").Each(func(i int, el *goquery.Selection) {
// We don't care about css, we only want the text on the site
doc.Find("style").Each(func(i int, el *goquery.Selection) {
// We don't care about videos, we only want the text on the site
doc.Find("video").Each(func(i int, el *goquery.Selection) {
// There's unlikely to be anything we want in these
doc.Find("noscript").Each(func(i int, el *goquery.Selection) {
// remove excess newlines etc
bdyText := standardizeSpaces(doc.Text())
return bdyText, err
Step 2: Use the LLM to summarise the text
For this you’ll need to truncate the content from the site if it’s too long, and send it over to the LLM, with a prompt and “thought” that it should do this.
func doSummarisation(token string, maxTokens int, server string, model string, siteText string) (summary string, err error) {
lengthOfDataToSend := len(siteText)
// Just a rule of thumb
likelyMaximumLengthAccepted := 2 * maxTokens
if len(siteText) > 2*likelyMaximumLengthAccepted {
lengthOfDataToSend = 2 * likelyMaximumLengthAccepted
aiClient := openai.DefaultConfig(token)
aiClient.BaseURL = server
client := openai.NewClientWithConfig(aiClient)
stream, err := client.CreateChatCompletionStream(
Model: model,
Messages: []openai.ChatCompletionMessage{
{Role: openai.ChatMessageRoleSystem,
Content: "You are an expert at summarising text in a concise manner for intelligent social media users.",
Role: openai.ChatMessageRoleUser,
Content: fmt.Sprintf("Summarise the following text using the fewest possible words\n, %s",
Stream: true,
Stop: []string{"<|end_of_text|>", "<|eot_id|>"},
Temperature: 0.7,
TopP: 0.95,
MaxTokens: maxTokens,
FrequencyPenalty: 0.0,
PresencePenalty: 0.0,
if err != nil {
slog.Error("Error with ChatCompletionStream for summariser", "error", err)
return "", err
defer stream.Close()
var summaryBuilder strings.Builder
for {
var response openai.ChatCompletionStreamResponse
response, err = stream.Recv()
if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
slog.Debug("Finished receiving response from LLM")
return summaryBuilder.String(), nil
if err != nil {
slog.Error("Error with ChatCompletionStream for summariser", "error", err)
return summaryBuilder.String(), err
_, err = summaryBuilder.WriteString(response.Choices[0].Delta.Content)
if err != nil {
slog.Error("Error with writing stream to summary", "error", err)
return summaryBuilder.String(), err
// Never get here
The code
Full version of this code available at
Better versions exist such as